Insta-Worthy Destinations

Insta-Worthy Destinations

With more than 500 million active users daily sharing an average of 85 million photos a day, Instagram is one of the most influential social media platforms globally. And it

Native American Food

Native American Food

Native Americans are well respected for being resourceful people. Consider their food sources and how they used them historically. They took ingredients that were available and inventively multi-purposed them. Not

Honoring Tribal Land

Honoring Tribal Land

Folks in the Idaho panhandle, approximately 30 minutes south of Coeur d’Alene, have been telling stories of Circling Raven for over 200 years.Not the golf course — though, it has

Indian Golf Features

Indian Golf Features

It’s not uncommon for Native American courses to have hole names and features paying homage to Indian lore and legend. Sweetgrass Golf Club, a 36-hole amenity of Island Resort and